Monday, December 23, 2019

Going the Distance Long Distance Relationships in College...

â€Å"Long-distance relationships in college.† Does that sound frightening, or does it sound like a poorly stated joke? Many people believe that long distance relationships are the sole thing that you do not get yourself into when going off to college. You choose your university, you choose your sorority or fraternity, you choose your classes, and you chose your major, but whatever you do, you should never choose to be in a long-distance relationship when heading off to pursue higher education. For many newly dubbed â€Å"adults,† college life entails a world full of partying, studying, hooking up, and experimenting (whatever that may entail). College is the place where both guys and girls get a chance to possibly escape from their home towns, and†¦show more content†¦The least they can do is try to continue their relationship with long distance. It has been reported that, â€Å"75% of college students at some point have been in a long distance relationship,â €  (Penn State Behrend: â€Å"Long Distance Relationships† 1). In addition, â€Å"25% to 50% of college students are in a long distance relationship at any given time† (Penn State Behrend: â€Å"Long Distance Relationships† 1). Couples that identify with the idea that there is no hurt in trying, find that it might not be so bad after all. Although abruptly severing ties is not the appropriate response to a grand separation to come, leaving one another with the idea that both parties are on the exact same page is not a wise path to take either. A couple does not just simply come to an unspoken consensus about what is expected of each other. It is important for them to sit down and â€Å"engage in open and honest communication about the separation and discuss what each wants from the relationship† (Penn State Behrend: â€Å"Long Distance Relationships† 1). At the end of the day, miles are temporary, yet relationships dont have to be. As a long dis tance relationship progresses, and couples become more stressed out with studying for exams and keeping up with clubs, they tend to miss each other more than ever. Longing for the comfort and affection of their significant other, couples can bare the distance by scheduling visits to one another. University students scrape by each day just toShow MoreRelatedLong Distance Relationship1431 Words   |  6 PagesLong Distance Relationships: How Does Media Communication Impact on Relational Maintenance? A long distance relationship is very challenging for college students to maintain without face to face interactions. The influences that media usage has on maintaining long distance relationships is a big part of communication. 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